Tips for Truck Driving During Winter
- on January 13, 2021
- Categories: News
Truck driving in winter, it is completely different that to drive the rest of the year, It is relative to where you are at and to what conditions you are used to.
It depends on what the weather patterns are like. It will depend on the type and size of your load, too. There are many factors to consider, so We collected some piece of advice that can be helpful to remember:
- Don’t Get Complacent Or Overly Confident
This is definitely the number one issue when it comes to truck accidents. Being winter by itself its means that you will have to drive on the worst conditions possible, so don’t act all like a hero thinking that you can drive in every weather condition.
- Make Sure You Winterize Your Vehicle and Yourself
The seasons are changing and by the time you know, its winter AGAIN! So that means that you will have to prepare your vehicle and you all over again.
Here is a list of items that are a must in the truck:
- Shelf-stable foods which don’t need to be heated\
- Extra water
- Pocket hand warmers
- Extra wiper blades
- Kitty litter or ice melt
- An adequate supply of warm socks
- Energy bars
- A raincoat that is large enough to fit over you winter coat
- Accelerate And Break Much Slower
Truck driving in winter conditions requires extra attention and alertness.
- Watch Out For Black Ice
Watch out for black ice. We all had seen that thin layer of an ice, which is completely transparent form, well people be aware and carefully watch for it when you are out on the open!
- Always Keep Your Tanks As Full As Possible
The experienced drivers know everything that need to be known about truck driving in winter; they know this tip very well, but the one that are new in this should know that the truck tanks should always be full.
Well now, even half full tank is ok, but just don’t leave them empty, because you are risking having condensations within the lines and they can freeze. So, keep the fuel level at least half full and that way you will prevent that from happening
- Watch Your Speed, Better To Drive A Little Slow Than Too Fast
Its all ok to drive fester (still fallowing the speed limits of course) when is normal weather conditions, but truck driving in winter does not allow you to do that! So with that in mind, watch your speed, better to drive a little slow, then too fast!
- Cut Out All The Distractions And Concentrate On Driving
We all have seen those drivers that are driving, listening to music, smoking, and eating donates, IN THE SAME TIME!
Well, if you love your life and respect other people lives, then don’t be that driver! So many things can easily distract you while you are behind the wheel, but you as a driver should try to limit them. Here are few tips that can help you do that, and remain you focused while you are driving.
- Minimize eating, drinking, or smoking behind the wheel;
- Turn off your cell phone while driving or put on silence your phone notifications;
- Take the time and stop on some of the many truck stops on the road;
- Know your route before driving. For that you can use a voice assisted GPS unit, one of the many trucker applications designed to make truckers life easier or any other electronic gadgets good for truckers. If you still don’t have one of those fancy ones, then just have a look at your old school map before you start driving, but get familiar and informed with the road you are going to take.
If you would like to see some resources on how and what to keep in your vehicle there are several resources available, such as:
- Check with your state public safety, highway patrol, and state police (depending on your state);
- Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) ;
- Department of Transportation (DOT) ;
- Even DMV.org has some good.