How can affect owner-operators a Biden Administration
- on November 22, 2020
- Categories: News
I heard on the radio some ideas from Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association President Todd
Spencer and Executive Vice President Lewie Pugh of what can happens if Joe Biden get finally confirmed
as the New President of USA.
I expect changes that will affect the trucking Industry as a hole as Republican administration have been
more favorable for the industry and Trucking Industry has donated more funds to Republican candidates
as it occurred with Trump that received 1.1 million while Biden received roughly 134 K.
Here you will find some of the ideas that I took from it:
It is most probable that the Senate will be controlled by Republicans and the House by
Democrats, but will less control of both, so negotiations must take place in order to get things done.
Likelihood of Congressional and/or administrative initiatives around infrastructure (public truck
parking capacity being a principal concern), as it was proposed Proposed legislation would
allocate $755 million toward adding truck parking capacity, that if Biden is elected, it is not clear
what it can happen
Interest (or not) in things few in trucking want to see like minimum liability insurance hikes and
speed-limiter mandates
The recent and potentially further hours of service changes
Emissions standards for big diesels and state conflicts emanating from out West
Where the Department of Labor’s recent attention to the “independent contractor” definition
for business might lead
The profile of the brokered freight transparency issue
What do you think it will happen? Let us know